Wednesday, March 7, 2007

How to remain positive when things get tough.

I find that for me, surrounding myself with positive people is the key to helping me deal with my ED.
I'm fortunate that I have met some amazing friends through running and can count on them at any time when I'm feeling vulnerable. They are aware of my ED and are very supportive. They also keep me positive by inspiring me on a daily basis which I find very important.

Running has also allowed me to really think about my ED and ways that I can deal with it more pro-actively. Right now I'm on a very strict training program and that allows me to focus most if not all of my attention on my running. In addition, my diet as of late has been the "cleanest" it has been in a long time as I seem to be in a very good place mentally right now. There are things in my personal life which still get me down but for the most part I've been able to stay positive and that translates, at least for me, into feeling better about myself. As soon as I start to lose that focus or start feeling bad about my appearance/body image then I can almost guarantee a binge is right around the corner.

I've been able to improve my running speed/endurance and that is a direct result of having less stress, more sleep and better eating habits. I know that if one of these variables is disrupted it will negatively effect my running.

I also feel that my clients both at the gym and through my own business, look for me for guidance and also to be somewhat of a role model for them. This is something that I take very seriously and I want to provide them with the best example I can which helps me to stay focused as well.

I believe that it's important for all of us to have friends/family who we can confide in when we are feeling down. Most of the time we're not looking for them to provide us with any magical answer but it's simply having someone who will actively listen and for me I'm lucky to have that.

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